Did some shots of Oscar for Smith & Jones a little while back. They were creating a promo piece for their agency. Creative Director Paul Tonelli and I couldn't help but get in the shout and put on our best "Oscar Face".
Hand Wash Group
New shots for C&E's Hand Wash.
Paradigm Pole Fitness
Hung out with my friends Hans and Maggie at Paradigm Pole Fitness last night. Their studio is across the hall from my studio. Check them out at www.paradigmpolefitness.com.
Christine in the studio.
My friend Christine (from www.smithnjones.com) was in the studio last week.
360 Degree Product Views
Want your product to stand out on your website. Try a 360 Degree view that you can zoom. Below is a sample.
Julianne Finals
Paradigm Pole Fitness
Paradigm Pole Fitness has just opened and needed some shots of their Instructors.
Check them out at: http://www.paradigmpolefitness.com